Haunted Tales : Ghostly stories for the darkest nights by Adam Macqueen (PRE-ORDER)
Haunted Tales : Ghostly stories for the darkest nights by Adam Macqueen (PRE-ORDER)
'Tis the season to be haunting. An unexpected and unwelcome voice on the world’s first radio broadcast in 1908. A son who won’t stop messaging his family on Facebook, although he’s been dead for quite some time now. A frozen forest in a far north land where the sinister elf-kin lurk in the snow.
A Scottish island where the locals make very sure their old folk don’t go hungry through the long winter. Over the past two decades Adam Macqueen has sent a Haunted Tale to his family in place of a Christmas card. A collection in the grand tradition of ghost stories – to be read by the fire in the depths of winter – it proves that terror lurks in many places, and the dead take on infinite guises.
Publication: 24 Oct 2024, Swift Press
ISBN: 9781800754454
Extent: 224 pages